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About Us

At Red Rock Livin, we are innovators who believe in the power of creative inspiration to achieve affordable living. Our philosophy is centered around the idea that a simplistic lifestyle, focused on what truly matters, can lead to a more fulfilling life. We offer unique solutions to create supplemental income, and support the community workforce,  through cost-effective living accommodations. For those seeking adventure, our small homes provide ample opportunities for family togetherness and vacation getaways. 



  • Affordable Living through creative inspiration and innovation 

  • Simplistic Lifestyle by reconnecting with what matters most… understanding that "Less is More"

  • Create Supplemental Income by mainifesting "Dreams" into reality

  • Support the Community Workforce by providing options for cost-effective living accommodations

  • Opportunities for Family Togetherness by creating vacation getaways. Small Homes... Big Adventures!



At Red Rock Livin, our vision is simple: we believe that everyone deserves an affordable home that they call their own. Our Model Homes are designed to not only provide comfortable living space, but also to create opportunities for supplemental income, host guests, and serve as a getaway retreat. With our homes, we're making this vision a reality for people everywhere.

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